Ender 3 EXP3 pinout for hardware hacking
The Ender 3 display is based on the open Reprap screen design, but includes a header called EXP3
that allows for communication with a single cable. This header communicates with the display over
SPI, but the documentation I could find online was sparse and conflicting. I verified the pinout
and created this graphic to document this header’s pinout.
This display uses the ST7920 controller. The arduino library u8g2 has support for it.
Text Documentation for Accessibility
The notch on the display board is on the top. Pins are left to right.
Ground | Chip Select | Knob Rotation | Knob Rotation 2 | Beeper |
5V | Data | Clock | Unknown | Button |
SPI Pins
- Chip Select
- Data
- Clock
Digital Buttons
- Knob Rotation 1
- Knob Rotation 2
- Button